Test seansı: Mövzu - İngilis dili, sual sayı - 50, dərəcə - çətin suallar

1) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4127 ]
'John won't mind waiting a bit longer.' - She ... John ... mind waiting a bit longer.

2) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4121 ]
'I didn't mean to upset Astrid.' — He ... her feelings.

3) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4139 ]
'Why didn't you go with Jack?' She asked me ... .

4) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4143 ]
I've got some tickets for ... ballet. Interested?

5) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4137 ]
'Where did you put the eggs?' She wondered ... .

6) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4133 ]
'Who is the girl in the photo?' She wondered ... .

7) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4132 ]
'Do you remember David?' She wanted to know ... .

8) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4122 ]
'I won't give you the money back if you keep on at me.' - He ... the money if she kept on at him.

9) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4145 ]
"I can't stand ... modern poetry; it's so pretentious."

10) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4138 ]
'Do you want a hot or a cold drink?' She asked ... .

11) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4124 ]
'I wasn't anywhere near the school at the time of the break-in.' - He ... that he ... anywhere near the school at the time of the break-in.

12) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4134 ]
'Can we stop at the next village?' She asked me ... .

13) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4135 ]
'How do you spell 'chaos'?' She didn't know ... .

14) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4141 ]
The government doesn't give enough money to ... arts.

15) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4144 ]
... art of writing a short story is to interest the reader from the very first line.

16) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4146 ]
I was no good at ... art at school. What about you?

17) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4140 ]
'Which is mine?' She couldn't remember ... .

18) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4125 ]
'I'm not going back to college.' - She ... that she ... back to college.

19) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4142 ]
She's got a diploma in ... dance from the Performing Arts Academy.

20) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4129 ]
'Are you ready to leave?' She wanted to know ....

21) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4126 ]
'I was surprised that Mum was so angry.' - He ... his mother ... so angry.

22) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4123 ]
'I can't ask my parents to help me again.' - He ... that he ... ask his parents to help him again.

23) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4130 ]
'What was your grandmother's maiden name?' She asked ... .

24) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4136 ]
'How many brothers and sisters have you got?' She asked me ... .

25) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4131 ]
'When are you leaving?' She asked ... .

26) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4128 ]
'I won't be late again.' - She ... that she ... be late again.