Test seansı: Mövzu - İngilis dili, sual sayı - 50, dərəcə - çətin suallar

1) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2812 ]
World poverty and overpopulation. = ...

2) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2819 ]
Is there life on other planets? This is a ... nobody has yet been able to answer.

3) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2805 ]
I've heard that the newsagent's is losing a lot of money and it ... be closing down.

4) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2792 ]
The planet Venus ... be seen clearly in the night sky during this month.

5) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2821 ]
She thinks we should all fly around in tiny little helicopters. This ... to the traffic problem in cities is rather new and unusual. I wonder if it is viable?

6) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2820 ]
(Teacher to the class) You can write your essay on 'My best holiday ever'. If you don't like that ... , I'll give you another one.

7) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2813 ]
God exists and loves everybody. = ...

8) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2807 ]
In the early 19 , h century a person ... be sent to Australia for stealing as little as a loaf of bread ,

9) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2818 ]
We are running short of funds. How do you propose we should deal with the ... ?

10) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2804 ]
Real Madrid started well and ... have taken an early lead when Figo hit the post , but Barcelona scored first after 20 minutes.

11) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2815 ]
It has proved to be most efficient. = ...

12) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2797 ]
He ... not be the best singer in the world , but he has very pleasant voice.

13) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2799 ]
Her English grammar ... not be very accurate , but she speaks very quickly.

14) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2808 ]
Is that John's car that just stopped? He ... be waiting for us.

15) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2798 ]
Hugh's old car ... not be terribly comfortable , but it was very fast.

16) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2816 ]
They should get married , to my mind. = ...

17) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2817 ]
So you were talking about animal rights? That's quite a big ... in Britain nowadays.

18) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2801 ]
The race had to be stopped because the oil on the track ... have caused an accident.

19) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2794 ]
I feel really sore after playing tennis. I think I ... have a bath.

20) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2809 ]
I ... have told you this before. I can't remember.

21) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2791 ]
We ... go to Majorca for our holiday this summer.

22) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2802 ]
'When will the painting be ready?' 'Well , I ... have finished it by this evening.'

23) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2810 ]
There's a man lying down on the pavement over there. Do you think he ... have hurt himself?

24) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2806 ]
'Ann looks exhausted.' 'I suppose she ... have been running'

25) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2795 ]
'Someone's left their coat.' ' ... it be Ken's?'

26) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2800 ]
You ... not agree with him , but his opinions on architecture certainly makes you think.

27) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2793 ]
... you see Becky this weekend?

28) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2811 ]
The earth is in orbit around the sun. = ...

29) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2814 ]
I've run out of cash. = ...

30) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2803 ]
As little as 50 years ago a worker still ... be dismissed for being ill.

31) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2796 ]
Exceeding the stated dose ... cause drowsiness.