Test seansı: Mövzu - İngilis dili, sual sayı - 50, dərəcə - asan suallar

1) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3369 ]
I ... tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago.

2) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3396 ]
hard -- ...

3) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3390 ]
Inuit children never ... to school - they learnt everything from their parents but now , like all North Americans , they ... about 10 years of school education.

4) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3382 ]
They ... in igloos in the winter but today , many of them live in houses in small towns.

5) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3374 ]
When I was a child , I never ... meat , but I eat it now.

6) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3384 ]
Many of the people still ... seal-skin clothes today because they are very warm.

7) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3394 ]
sandy -- ...

8) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3386 ]
When I was a child I ... most of my clothes when I was in our igloo.

9) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3372 ]
George ... a waiter. Now he's the manager of a hotel.

10) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3371 ]
"'Have you got a car?' 'No , I ... one but I sold it.'"

11) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3398 ]
endless -- ...

12) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3373 ]
'Do you go to work by car?' 'Sometimes but most days I ... by train.'

13) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3370 ]
Do you do any sport?' 'Yes , I ... basketball.'

14) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3389 ]
In the past it ... them days or weeks to travel the same distance.

15) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3376 ]
We ... near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.

16) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3392 ]

17) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3399 ]
useless -- ...

18) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3375 ]
Mary loves watching TV. She ... TV every evening.

19) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4831 ]
People ... them Eskimos , but now they are called Inuits , which means 'the people'.

20) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3383 ]
They ... seals - they ate the meat and made clothes from the fur.

21) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3397 ]
useful -- ...

22) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3385 ]
We ... inside so sometimes it got too hot.

23) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3388 ]
To move over the snow , they ... special snowshoes on their feet , but today many Inuits ... snowmobiles.

24) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3400 ]
tin ...

25) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3387 ]
In the short summers we lived in seal-skin tents , but I ... as much time as possible playing outside.'

26) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3377 ]
Normally I start work at 7 o'clock , so I ... up very early.

27) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3395 ]
sunny -- ...

28) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3378 ]
What games ... when you were a child?

29) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3391 ]
electric -- ...

30) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 3393 ]
beautiful -- ...