Test seansı: Mövzu - İngilis dili, sual sayı - 50, dərəcə - çətin suallar

1) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4813 ]
Bill Clinton's politics was inspired by John Kennedy. ...

2) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4812 ]
Dr Jones's whereabouts has been kept a closely guarded secret by his family. ...

3) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4811 ]
Musical chairs are a party game where everyone dashes for a seat when the music stops. ...

4) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4814 ]
Phenomena such as sun spots have puzzled scientists for centuries. ...

5) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4826 ]
a piece of equipment allowing you to send information from one computer down telephone lines to another computer ...

6) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4807 ]
Chequers is the country house of the British Prime Minister. ...

7) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4815 ]
Some 30 per cent of the milk drunk in the country are imported. ...

8) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4827 ]
a camera which records moving pictures and sound ...

9) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4820 ]
Modern linguistics is often said to have begun at the start of the 20th century. ...

10) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4806 ]
The stairs leading to the first floor were steep and poorly lit. ...

11) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4816 ]
When the soldiers got lost in the jungle , their only means of survival were to eat berries. ...

12) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4818 ]
The research data was collected during the period 12th-29rh July 2002. ...

13) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4803 ]
The people I know who have seen the film say that it's really good. ...

14) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4825 ]
a machine which records and plays back sound ...

15) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4828 ]
a machine which acts like a person ...

16) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4819 ]
"You don't need much sugar for this pudding; ten grams ... enough. "

17) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4821 ]
Congratulations goes to Richard Branch for his excellent exam results. ...

18) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4823 ]
a machine which makes copies of documents ...

19) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4829 ]
a kind of sophisticated typewriter using a computer ...

20) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4830 ]
a machine for chopping up , slicing , mashing , blending , etc. ...

21) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4824 ]
a machine which makes copies of documents and sends them down telephone lines to another place ...

22) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4810 ]
The public needs to be kept informed about progress in the peace talks. ...

23) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4804 ]
A report in the Sunday Times detail the crimes of a 14-year-old boy in Southcastle. ...

24) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4808 ]
Whoever made all the mess in the kitchen have to clear it up. ...

25) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4809 ]
The phrase 'men in white coats' are used to talk about psychiatrists. ...

26) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4805 ]
Northern Lights are one of Suzanne's favourite books. ...

27) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4802 ]
The United States ... top of the list of countries ranked by economic performance.

28) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4822 ]
a machine which records and plays back sound and pictures ...

29) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 4817 ]
Over the last decade the company's overheads has increased dramatically. ...