Test seansı: Mövzu - İngilis dili, sual sayı - 50, dərəcə - çətin suallar

1) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1068 ]
What ... of Kate's new hairstyle? It's unusual , isn't it?

2) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1059 ]
Although progress has been made , most experts agree that this figure will have fallen to only around 32 , 000 by 2010 , which ... that the EU target will be missed by about 7 , 000.

3) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1084 ]
I found the book very easy and pleasant to read. I found the book very ... .

4) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1085 ]
This firm has produced a lot in recent years. This firm has been very ... in recent years.

5) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1091 ]
A machine for washing dishes. -- ...

6) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1061 ]
Although the number of deaths caused in traffic accidents in the EU is going down , experts ... to find ways of reducing the number throughout the EU to around 25 , 000 fatalities per year by 2010.

7) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1088 ]
Most of his crimes can be forgiven. Most of his crimes are ... .

8) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1063 ]
... to you?

9) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1094 ]
A person who takes professional photographs. -- ...

10) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1058 ]
Recent statistics ... that in 2005 in the EU 41 , 600 people were killed in traffic accidents.

11) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1096 ]
The thing that wipes rain off your car windscreen. -- ...

12) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1086 ]
Her only fault is that she is lazy. Her only fault is ... .

13) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1054 ]
I went to see a Formula One race last week , but ... that I don't know much about cars.

14) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1057 ]
On the other hand , as the amount of traffic is increasing , it is possible to argue that the situation is not really bad as it ... .

15) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1052 ]
We'll do our best to get the computer repaired by next week , but ... it.

16) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1065 ]
No wine for me! ... antibiotics for an ear infection.

17) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1050 ]
She says that she wasn't in the kitchen when the bottle smashed , but ... to believe her.

18) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1049 ]
... with you that people shouldn't drink and drive.

19) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1067 ]
You can't really have seen a UFO! You ... things!

20) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1053 ]
... it difficult to concentrate on your work with this music on?

21) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1074 ]
Experts suggest that any safety program must also set about changing the way drivers ... .

22) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1070 ]
Scientists nowadays ... more about how the brain works.

23) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1071 ]
Some kinds of fish ... high levels of dangerous metals.

24) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1087 ]
The Club refuses to admit anyone not wearing a tie. The Club refuses ... to anyone not wearing a tie.

25) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2730 ]
I hear you're having your house repainted. How ... ?

26) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1092 ]
The person to whom a cheque is made out. -- ...

27) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1093 ]
A person who acts in amateur theatre. -- ...

28) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1035 ]
... biology a lot better now that we've got a new teacher.

29) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1090 ]
A person who donates their kidneys upon their death. -- ...

30) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1056 ]
However one interprets the statistics , it remains true that as time goes on , it is becoming harder and harder to reduce the figures , especially since accident-reduction schemes ... a lot of money.

31) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1055 ]
In the EU as whole , only Sweden ... the goal of zero accidents.

32) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1066 ]
Technicians report that they ... difficulty installing the new computer system.

33) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1051 ]
I've just started to learn how to drive. Now ... difficult it is , I'll never criticize your driving again.

34) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1048 ]
I know the company has made a loss this year , but ... for that.

35) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1060 ]
Traffic safety ... , but experts believe achieving the 2010 goal will prove difficult.

36) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1072 ]
Accident reduction is more difficult for newer EU members who ... very rapid growth in traffic and are having difficulty in building new roads and in introducing safety measures at a fast enough rate.

37) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1062 ]
The National Theatre ... putting on a new production of Uncle Vanya.

38) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1069 ]
Loud music can be really annoying. Some people ... what a nuisance it can be.

39) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1095 ]
A person who plays classical violin. -- ...

40) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1064 ]
In career terms , having a good degree ... to make little difference.

41) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1089 ]
The person to whom a letter is addressed. -- ...

42) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 2729 ]
It's very difficult for us to get jobs here , so ... emigrating to Canada.

43) [Sualın ID nömrəsi 1073 ]
To complicate matters , most new members ... very little experience in dealing with the demands of heavy traffic.